Adult Education
We offer many opportunities for adults to get together with others to discuss topics that relate to Chritianity, spirituality, and daily living to nurture each other's spiritual journey. The following are current ongoing groups.
Mid-Week Small Group Bible Study
Join Pastor Jill and others each Wednesday from 12 noon - 1:00 pm on Zoom. We discuss the scriptures which will be the focus on upcoming sermons and together we will dive into these texts and look at them from different angles with the richness of our conversation contributing to our pastor's sermon preparation. Feel free to eat your lunch and eat while we talk.
Sunday Morning Fellowship and Learning (September - May)
Beginning September 15 we will offer Faith Formation for all ages following worship. Classes will begin at 11:15am and last until noon. There will be classes for adults, youth and children (age 4 and older) and nursery will be provided for younger children. Adult classes will be a combination of studies on a variety of topics, guest speakers, as well as occasional hands on projects (some intergenerational with the children and youth). Children and youth will have age appropriate classes, sharing some activities in larger groups of all the young people and sometimes doing intergenerational hands-on projects with adults.
There are several groups that meet regularly, which you can read about here: Groups. Classes, groups or special events are announced in the weekly newsletter. Some gatherings may take place at the church or on Zoom, sometimes in personal homes, and other times in the community.