I'm New Here

We welcome you to First Christian Church!  Please fill out our online connection card so we can get to know you.

Here are some things you might want to know about our service and facility:

What time should I arrive?

Worship begins at 10:00 am on Sundays. Some choose to come early and converse, others scoot in as the service begins. We welcome you in either regard!


Parking at First Christian is free and plentiful. If you wish, there is a circle drive where you can let off passengers at the front door before you park. In times of inclement weather (or as otherwise needed), a valet service is available.


The front entrance is accessible with automatic doors. An elevator provides access to the lower level and our fellowship hall. We have audio amplifiers for those who prefer assistance in hearing the service. Just ask an usher for an amplifier. If there are additional ways we can make our building or service more accessible, please do not hesitate to ask.

Entering the building

Most people enter the building through the front door. You most likely will be greeted - please feel free to chat and ask questions. You may also enter the building through the side door if you park in the side parking lot. If you enter via this lower level door, you can go directly upstairs to the sanctuary or you can use the elevator, which is to the right as you come in the door. If you come in this way, you may miss the greeters, however, most people would be happy to talk and answer any questions.


Parents are welcome to keep their children, including infants and small children, with them during worship. We celebrate children and enjoy having them with us, so you are encouraged to keep your child with you if you prefer. We do also offer childcare in our nursery for children ages 0-5 years, which is located in a classroom on the lower level, if that works better your family or child either regularly or occasionally. 

In the sanctuary, each week we offer clipboards with an activity sheet and colors, to occupy busy hands and engage children in worship. There is also a children's area at the front (right side) of the sanctuary where children are invited to sit on rugs and have a front row seat to worship. Additional worship supplies and books are provided in this space. If you feel like your child is restless, you need to regroup, or you need a quiet spot for nursing or feeding, you are welcome to move to the back of the sanctuary where there is ample space to let littles stretch or adults to walk with a little one, along with 2 large benches. You are also welcome to use room 114 (at the back of the sanctuary, just beyond the elevator) - a space where you can shut the door and continue to listen to the service through the speaker (the dial to turn it on is on the wall). Toys and a comfortable chair are available in this room so you and your child can be at ease.


As you walk through the gathering space and toward the sanctuary, ushers will greet you and offer you a half sheet which contains a prayer list and announcements. If you'd like to communicate a prayer concern or if you'd like to share your contact information with church staff, fill out the bottom portion of this sheet and place it in the wooden offering box on the table at the back of the sanctuary.

Besides offering the bulletin, the ushers will be happy to assist you in finding seating, showing the location of the restrooms, and answer any other questions you might have.


Regular participants and visitors may sit anywhere they prefer. Worship is conducted similar to many mainline Christian churches. There will be music, singing, scripture reading, and a sermon/message. At times the congregation is asked to stand, but individuals may remain seated if they prefer. Hymns are listed in the bulletin and on the projector screens. We use two hymnals, a red one (The Chalice Hymnal) and a purple one (the Chalice Praise hymnal). The words for the songs are projected on the screens, so reading from the hymnals is optional. Here are the components of a typical worship service:

Prelude:  Ringing of an 1860’s church bell welcomes us to be seated in the sanctuary and reminds us of our long and continuing journey together as a congregation. Following the bell,  music will be played, and all are invited to greet one another as you take your seats.

Welcome & Announcements:  The pastor or worship leader extends welcome and provides announcements of events or deadlines that the congregation should know about.

Opening Hymn:  During this time, the congregation is invited to stand in body or spirit and sing along with music that gathers us and prepares us to worship. Children will light candles to represent God's presence with us.

A Time of Sharing & Prayer:  The pastor leads in communicating particular joys or concerns among the congregation and situations throughout the world, then offers a spoken prayer. Sometimes the congregation is invited to explore prayer in different forms or light candles during this time.

Readings:  Readings from scripture are read by a member. Passages often come from the Gospels (the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) and may be chosen based on a sermon series, theme, or selected from the Revised Common Lectionary.

Children's Moment:  About 10 minutes into the service, children are called to come to the front for a short message and prayer.

Sermon:  The pastor, or sometimes a designated person, reflects on the scripture readings to help us understand and relate the messages to our daily lives.

Offering:  Offerings brought to in-person worship may be placed in the wooden box at the back of the sanctuary as you enter or exit. Many members pledge an amount annually and provide their offering in other ways (such as electronically), but some choose to provide their offering during this time. The money that is collected is used to support the many ministries that happen at and through First Christian Church.

Communion:  The Disciples of Christ have an open table. This means that we do not distinguish between members and visitors. All are welcome to participate in communion as an act of remembrance, fellowship and hope. The table is central to our worship, so we have communion weekly (and often at other events). The congregation remains in their seats, while servers bring baskets of pre-packaged communion including small wafer and grape juice (there is a gluten-free option as well). We invite the congregation to serve each other from the baskets. Whether you are visiting or a long-time participant, we invite you to share in this meal. Many children and youth also share in communion. However, anyone may choose not to participate in communion for any reason.

Closing Hymn and Benediction:  A hymn is chosen to prepare us to reenter the world. The benediction marks the end of worship with words that remind us of the day's scriptures and links them to what we can do as we go out. 


Once worship is over, individuals may leave if they want, but many choose to stay for a bit and get to know each other, while enjoying some refreshments. When weather allows, this time of fellowship takes place outside the front doors of the church. In inclement weather, treats will be served in the gathering space. Visitors are especialy encouraged to join us to talk and ask questions.